Ramblings - Published November 2022
This Months Ramblings from David
November 2022
“Love and Joy”
The prophecy of the ‘Age of Joy’ was published in 2018, saying in two years time, the Age will begin amidst events no one on Earth will be unaware are happening. The monthly countdown, over the two year period, ended in April 2020 – just at the time there was, what amounted to, a global lockdown. Since those events two years ago the new age began. Many of you reading this may wonder what has happened? The new Age is a new age for life on Earth. It is not just a new horizon for humans.
Those in the here and now can be so absorbed in their moments that a full appreciation of the joys, that lie all around, can pass them by. Those who step back, take time to appreciate the world around them, will be most likely to experience what can be best described as a growing awareness - a new place - from where joy will flow, in wave after wave like a tide coming in, washing the life of the world.
Some of you may have, at times, been getting about your daily business and, without warning or reason, suddenly seen the places familiar as though you are seeing them for the first time. Such experiences can be quite refreshing – your whole view takes on an extra special gleam and shine. Those experiences will become more talked about. More people will find cause to remark on how they are in the same world yet it seems like there is something new. The consequence of this freshness will help them to break free from the chains they can not see and act in ways that they will find liberating. Ways that are good for them and good for others which hitherto have been almost blocked, or distorted, by a perceived social restraint.
The love that exists, the strong feeling, seems to rise from a multitude of settings. Although definitions and descriptions could be endless, it is usually noted that it is a ‘nice’ feeling. Is it more than just a nice feeling?
You may have a favourite fleece. It may feel nice, even make you want to hug it. The fleece is understood by us and is known to do something; keeping you warm, protecting you from the elements. It also allows you to be in places comfortably and achieve things. The fleece may be stylish and attractive. It could make others look at you in a way that is of benefit to you. It could help to attract a partner and friends. The fleece may have been acquired for a purpose, for a need, but that was just the beginning. Having it and caring for it could see its benefits far exceed its original purpose and amount to a great many good things being made possible in your life. The fleece does something with the consequence of enabling the wearer to do many other things through choice.
Is the evolution of life, as an aspect of the endless story of love, a bit like the fleece, a comfortable protection which enables much more? The evolution of humanoids for example, the changes in structure and brain size, has always come at times of dramatic climatic change. As though the need to think to be able to survive in new ways has directly affected the development of species.
Some would say that love is made through action and intent yet that could imply that a newborn baby is lacking in love. I personally believe newborn children are blessed with an abundance of love, of a nature that drives parents and others to acts of care and nurture.
Where there is love, is there life? A love that stands as an invisible lead in the activities of life and the fabric of all existence.
God, the love of God, the love of the World. Does this drive life in the same way that the love of a healthy family unit bolsters actions and aids a clear view for the needs of a child? People, scientists, for example, look at progress as a series of developments and discoveries. Does the love, has the love of God, been the instigating force that has led to the activities of humans to become, in aspects, what they are?
It is not uncommon for modern society, and modern scientific process, to sideline God and the foundations of faith, to be something of an irrelevance when considering scientific achievement, discovery and progress. That in itself is of no concern but it is worth considering, all the brilliant minds are part of the life we know; part of all existence and at some point, every act of brilliance has had an instigating moment. What is the source of that moment? To look at this more closely we could use an aspect of the Islamic faith.
The following is paraphrased from the commentary of Professor Jim Al-Khalili when talking about science in Islam: Muslims need to know the direction to Mecca for their prayers. To be able to do this the practice of Islam demanded that its followers had a very clear idea of the size and shape of the world. Over a large territory, finding the direction to Mecca was not a trivial problem. A good example of this problem was seen recently. In Washington DC a new mosque was built. Some of the worshippers were confused because the direction they were being told to face was slightly North and not South-East as they had expected. The confusion had arisen because on a flat map, Mecca did indeed lie to the South-East, but on a globe, finding the shortest route between two points on a sphere, due to what is called a ‘Great Circle’, Mecca lay slightly to the North. For Islamic scholars 1000 years ago, knowing the direction to Mecca required knowledge of how steeply the Earth curves. To calculate this meant they needed to know how big the Earth was.
In the 11th Century, the Persian mathematician Al Biruni, discovered the method by which the size of the earth could be calculated. Using an Astrolabe and a combination of algebra and geometry equations, he came up with a value for the circumference of the Earth that was within two hundred miles, a figure that was less than 1%, of what we know it to be today (24,902 miles). An incredible achievement for someone so long ago. At that time, even daring to think that the Earth could be measured would have seemed strange. The need and ambition to do so however came from religious faith. Such motivations are clear in the Islamic and many other faith traditions.
In the above example, it is strict adherence to a faith principle that led to the need to develop understanding in science and maths. From this work many scientific works have evolved and led the human race to places, at a speed, that would not have happened if the faith principles had not emerged. Who therefore, what therefore could be seen in the above example as the instigator of that genius and development?
It is thought that the science resulted from the needs to adhere to the religious teachings. The point I will make here is that the consequences of faith practices that emerge are foreseen. In essence, the future path of faith practices are known, as is the overarching destiny of life and the whole of what we know to be existence.
When a new way, a religious teaching or faith is first known, the path it will take us on is in part a mystery to us, but that path is already known by the heavens. No one at the time of Christ or Mohammed would have thought, or even understood, that the science that emerged as a result of faith, would lead to amongst other things, developments in planetary science. The new age will see changes. Some of those changes are no doubt beyond our current realm of understanding and may not be apparent for hundreds of years from here. However, like a river, the flow and destination is already known. For those who believe, you will know your path to be loved, cared for and supported.
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